Once in a 12 years, Kurinji flowers once again in progress to blooming on the Kodaikanal & Nilgiris hills, mostly close to Kurinji Andavar temple. Kurinji flower is a widespread variety in South India growing in mound areas. Only blue colored flower is blossom once in 12 years. It does not grow up in any part of the world. Open areas under Kurinji flower plants must be protected and sealed.. The Nilgiris, which accurately means the Blue Mountains, got its name from the purplish blue flowers of Neelakurinji those blossoms once in 12 years. Neelakurinji is the group has around 300 species that has flowering cycles ranging from one to 16 years. It belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. It occurs on an altitude of 1800 to 2400 meters. The Kurinji flowers is usually 30 to 60 cms high. They can raise beyond 180 cm in good-natured conditions. Flower that bloom at long intervals like kurinji are called plietesials. The proposed Kurinji sanctuary on the princes of hill would become one of the world's best sites.